Monday, November 10, 2008

It's a Coke Life!

So... I'm not only a Christmasaholic... I'm ADDICTED to Diet Coke! I don't count how many I have in a day and I really wouldn't like to know that number! I've tried getting off caffeine a few times and it hasn't been successful. But recently, Matt and I talked about how we really need to quit buying so many cokes (it's awfully expensive!). So as of today I've only had one coke! Yay! This is quite an achievement for me! It is so natural for me grab a coke every time I'm thirsty. I've just tried to keep it off my mind and it really helps that Matt and I are doing it together! Cross your fingers that I don't relapse!


ChristineWinn said...

I love Diet Coke too! I drink it all the time. I have gotten myself down to one a day. We don't keep them in the house anymore. I have a friend who probably drank as many as you do (She didn't know how many either) She got off coke products completely and lost a TON of weight. I never thought she needed to loose weight, but she dropped so much once she started drinking water instead of coke. She looks amazing. I am determined to do that too.

Riley Hill said...

omg that's great! hopefully i can lose some weight too!!

sara said...

This color is MUCH better on my old eyes!!! :)

Just keep a water bottle in your helps!