Thursday, January 24, 2013

Diet Diary: My Workouts

I'm back with more of my Diet Diary! I'm going to try and post as often as I can! I feel like I have a lot to talk about though because I got a great response from my previous post! Lots of comments and messages on FB asking about the shakes and wanting more info! I will write some posts that go into more detail about the GNC shakes very soon!

Last week was a pretty good week, I worked out 4 times: I went running twice and I got on the elliptical twice, not bad! It's hard to squeeze in a good workout once you've got a 8 month old!

It seemed like my last post sparked a lot of interest and questions, so I thought I'd post about some of the things I like to do for excercise!

We were very fortunate to be given an elliptical a few years ago from my former boss. He didn't want it so he gave it to us! I really like it and have gotten a lot of use out of it! You burn a lot of calories in a very short amount of time and it's a lot easier on your joints! Please do your research and find out for yourself how effective the elliptical is in burning calories by moving both your arms and legs!

I have the Zumba game for my Wii and I love it! Time passes so quickly because it doesn't feel like a workout! Ryan thinks it's funny to watch and he dances along with me! It has tutorials that teach you every move and it has different levels and timed workouts as well! You can choose to do a quick 20 minute workout or a 45 minute one if you've got time! I like them all and have used the heck out of this game since buying it a few years ago!

I've started running outside and I really enjoy it! I love being outside, having my earphones in and getting a little alone time! Although, my knee has really been hurting so I think I need new shoes. I have the Nike's in the pic above and I really like them and I've only had them a year, but I guess they're worn out! I want these!
 A co-worker introduced me to this site and she's really great! She posts hundreds of free workouts to her website that don't require any equipment! Zuzana is insanely ripped so she obviously knows what she's doing! Click here to see her site! Nevermind her boobs...

Well, I hope this helps! So far this week I've done Zumba and Zuzana! I hope to run at least twice this weekend! Good luck!

with love,

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