Sorry folks, this one might get long! I'm fired up! Haha!
So, here in AR American Idol has been HUGE because Kris Allen is from Conway, AR! Arkansans have totally and completely risen to the occassion and supported him so much! It has been amazing to see the response from the Arkansans. Loyalty and support are two things that I love about AR- we will always support our locals!
I couldn't be more proud to have Kris Allen (a Christian by the way!) representing our natural state!!!! He is so humble, honest, genuine, REAL, and talented!! We can't deny that he's talented... he won American Idol!!
I watch American Idol every year. I'm dedicated at the beginning but usually fizzle out towards the end of the season because I'm not interested in any of the contestants. This year was nerve racking! I didn't miss a week! I wanted to see if Kris made it... and every week he did!!
Almost all my Facebook friends are Kris fans and support him. Tonight, everyone's status had something to do with Kris Allen and him winning American Idol! As the time got to 8:55pm I was sitting on the edge of the couch, squeezing the blanket as hard as I could waiting to hear the verdict!! When Kris was announced the winner I jumped off the couch and starting screaming... and crying! Besides the fact that he's an Arkansas- the fact that he is young and a newlywed I feel like I can relate to him even more! I am so happy for him and for his wife! Their lives are about to drastically change!
So- I log onto Facebook and see that everyone is excited about Kris winning, etc. Then I scrolled down to see one status and I was shocked. Let's call him "Bob". Here's his status:
BOB: "alright alright people. Cool it. Hey, put your clothes back on, he can't see you. How has this made your life better?? How does this help Arkansas??? It doesn't. It means nothing. It's an individual award. So stop it with "He's such a great ambassador for Arkansas." People aren't gonna come to Arkansas because Kris Allen is the American Idol. So stop idolizing him. Sinners. I'm gonna go sing Karaoke now."
WHAT?!?!?!?!!!! This comment made me SO mad!!! Needless to say it was about 15 minutes after Kris was announced the winner. OK, so I'm the kind of person that is going to say something to defend myself if I feel strongly about it!! So I did!! Here's my response:
RILEY: "It's not about that!! We're supporting him!! Isn't that what community is for... support?? Kris is living his dream and the least we can do is text that 4 letter word "vote" while you're at it... everyone is always on their phone anyways! I don't usually watch it this far along either- but I think it's cool that a local got this far! Arkansas is never featured on nationwide tv and the world needs to know that Arkansas does have talent! You don't have to support Kris... but don't ruin it for those who are :)"
I thought that was a nice response!! Considering I had some choice words that I wanted to say!!! People with that kind of an attitude make me so mad!! What if no one support the Razorbacks??? Our local restaraunts, sports teams, athletes, musicians, artists etc??? Without the support of your community, friends and family... they wouldn't get anywhere!!!
I am constantly shocked at the things people say!
Sorry... I had to vent!! Thanks for reading!!
you go get em girl :)
you go girl!!!
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