Friday, May 11, 2012

False Alarm

 Ryan has decided to be difficult!!

Wednesday night and Thursday morning I was having a lot of contractions. I got very little sleep! So, I stayed home from work to sleep in a little and rest. Well, the contractions continued and Matt started to get worried so he came home from work so he could be with me and get a good time on the contractions. We timed them and they seemed to be 3-5 minutes apart. This being my first pregnancy I was having a hard time telling when one was starting and ending. So, around 11am we headed to the hospital.

I was so nervous. I was nervous that I was actually going into labor- it's a scary thought for me! Staying in the hospital, getting poked and prodded, pushing out a baby... yea it scares me. So, as we're walking into the hospital I just start bawling! I was scared! Once we get inside I went to the bathroom to regain my composure or what was left of it and we found our way to Labor and Delivery.

Let me tell you- those nurses were in NO hurry to get me checked out! Good thing I wasn't in horrific pain or anything! I was taken back to triage and was hooked up to the fetal monitors. One monitor for Ryan's heartbeat and one for the contractions. Nurse left me on the monitor for 2 hours. So, Matt and I just sat in the cold room watching tv for 2 hours waiting! My doctor came to check on me and that made me feel a lot better- she's so amazing! After the 2 hours were up, it was determined that I was having contractions but they were anywhere from 6-11 minutes apart and I wasn't progressing. So, my doctor sent us home in hopes that I'll make it to next Thursday so I can just be induced already!!

It was definitely an adventure! But, I'm glad we got it checked out and now some of my hospital fears aren't as bad! I'm glad to know more of how the process will go once I am actually in labor!

Here's to hoping that I make it Thursday so we don't have anymore false alarms!!!

with love,

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