It was pretty chilly so we left at halftime but we had a great time!
Saturday, Matt and I went to the Razorback game just the 2 of us! It was a lot of fun even though we didn't win :(
Oh yea- it was SOOOO cold!!!
Ryan stayed with Mimi that day and he got some early Christmas presents! This is one of them: a cover for the shopping cart or highchair! Ryan loved using it for the first time at Walmart this past week! He's starting to sit up a little!
And lastly, last night was Ryan's first Halloween! We had so much fun celebrating at our church's Trunk or Treat! Ryan went as a policeman and Matt and I were his prisoners! We had a great time and everyone thought it was funny :)
And now it's officially my favorite time of the year!!!!!! I'm listening to Christmas music, about to make some hot chocolate and snugglin' with my baby! Until next week...
Tomorrow mom and I are going to breakfast and Christmas shopping!!
with love,

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