Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bench Makeover

A few weeks ago I started the project of recovering the bench we have in our bedroom at the foot of our bed (please disregard the unmade bed- it was late!). Before it was just plain gold and it had gotten dirty over the past few years. I found this awesome chevron print fabric at Hancock and had to have it! I got 3 yards. Mistake #1! I ran out of fabric and had to leave one arm unfinished for about a week! They were out of it at the store and I had to wait for them to get more in! Finally, I was able to finish it Monday night! I bought 3 more yards because I'm going to cover some old pillows as well and that way the design will tie into our bed as well! I'm happy with how it came out! It was a pain don't get me wrong! But, I'm glad I did it!

with love,

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