Monday, September 23, 2013

My 27th Birthday!

 Last weekend was so fun! My birthday was Thursday! Wednesday night I went out to eat with some of my friends!
Missy, Lindsey, me and Emily
Thursday night we went out to eat with the fam and back to our house for cake then went bowling on Saturday night!

For some reason, yesterday Ryan was being such a lil toot! He wouldn't stop hitting and biting Matt and I! So, he got his first timeout!!! It worked too!

he loves that sugar!

Daddy's duck calls!

apparently we were too loud at the restaurant!

finally framed some birthday pics! 

he loves Bella!

window gazing

he gone!
 Saturday I got see my long time friend, Corey and her new baby Bowyn! She was so sweet! It's fun that my friends are having babies now too!
our babies!
 That's all I got! It's Monday and I'm tired!! Peace.
with love,

Monday, September 16, 2013

Softball and Football Games

 Life lately has just been running around and mostly centered around sports! Matt is playing on a fall softball co-ed team that plays twice a week and of course we catch our Razorbacks on Saturday!!

These are from Matt's game last Monday night. The field has a great little playground that Ryan just loves! He was holding himself up so good! And of course he loves the slide! That night he fell in the parking lot and got his first scraped knee!! I kinda had a mom-moment over it because I knew it would be the first of many! It was so sad to see my poor baby with a scraped knee!!

 THE VERY NEXT NIGHT Ryan fell and hit his face really hard on our metal bed frame!!!! He got the biggest bruise all the across his face and we felt so bad for him! I know it hurt so bad! It was swollen that night but went down the next morning but poor thing still has a bruise a week later! Here's the morning after:

Sunday we watched Aidan play ball! He plays fall ball too and is usually in a tournament on the weekend. This past weekend he playing close so the whole fam went to cheer him on! He did so good! Ryan loved watching him and being outside!

my angel

 Friday we had lunch and did some shopping with mom! Ryan found this cute chair in Target! Santa is taking notes :)
 Saturday we all went to a local restaurant to cheer on our Razorbacks! Who won :)
my fam in our red!

Coco and Juju

Pawpaw and Coco
 Matt has another softball game tonight! Two actually, but we might cut out after the first one so Ryan can go to bed! And someone has a birthday on Thursday.... ??? !!!....

with love,

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hogs and Emma turns 19!

We tailgated ALLLLL day last Saturday and it was so fun but SO hot!! Ryan was with Mimi all day and I missed him like crazy!! But I know they had fun! Here's some of the pics!

Emma is Pi Phi now!

Emma turned 19 on Saturday as well so we sang to her at our tailgate!! Twice! She was embarrassed!

Sunday we caught the last little bit of my parent's church service because my dad was being honored for being an elder for the past 16 years! That's a long time! Some people spoke expressing their appreciation for my parents service and some wrote them cards! It was very sweet and I know my parents were touched!

at Daddy's softball game!
That's all I got for now! Peace! 
with love,