Saturday, April 10, 2010

Passing the Torch...

Last night Kirby was an MC in the LRCA Talent Show. It was really fun to see him be an MC because when I was a Senior I was also an MC! We told Emma that she has no choice but to be an MC when she's a Senior as well!

Here we are getting a pic with Kirby after the show! He did great!

And here he is on stage hammin' it up!
This past week I have started reading! This is quite funny because I don't read! I got interested in a book and ended up finishing it in one day! My mom thinks that its funny because she's a huge reader- I think it is inevitable that we all turn into our mothers! I am really enjoying reading though! I have been stuck trying to finish Eclipse (the 3rd Twilight book) for a while so I'm really trying to get it finished so I can finish the series! We'll see how it goes... those are really big books! Haha!

with love,

1 comment:

katie said...

Riley, I feel the same way. I know for sure that I'm turning into my mother. I've started reading more and more--and I'm like you, I don't read. It's a funny thing, isn't it? :)